WERONIKA KOSTKA graphic designer
The Campaign on Hearing Loss introduces the visual interpretation of communication problems that people suffering from hearing loss are facing every day to raise awareness about this health condition’s challenges. It helps understand the disorder of one sense by using interruption of another one.
Posters are presenting communication interruption by various modification of typography containing quotes provided by Action on Hearing Loss Case Studies. Preferable presenting space is bus stops, where big sized posters will catch the audience’s attention and introduce campaign goal — to raise awareness about the hearing loss by presenting it visually.
Key element of the campaign is the opportunity to experience hearing loss consequences by inviting people to experience walking on busy street, crossing roads, following group conversations (as activities mentioned by interviewed people suffering from hearing loss as main problematic activities) with earplugs reducing their ability to hear by around 60 – 70% and ask each person to fill the survey which would make an image of what they noticed within new circumstances. Survey result would be useful for future awareness raising as well as for future studies and publishing.
The quotes below are insights from people who are living with hearing loss (YCN Student Awards Brief)
“Having hearing loss is like you belong to this massive club but no one tells you that they are in it because many people hide away.” Mark Simmons
“Most folk, including family and friends which really hurts, show great irritation, sigh pointedly, shrug in exasperation, and give up trying to communicate. You, of course, are by then on a huge guilt trip as it is all somehow your fault. You are not part of that world. You miss so much. Deafness is a lonely place to be.” Glynis Greenman
“Hearing loss impacts everything in my life. Business, community, medical, educational, social or family gatherings. I have become a huge inconvenience for everyone else in our society. This is my life on a daily basis.” Ishka Bibble
“Each day after kindergarten, my son tries to tell me about his day on the way home. I cannot hear him without seeing his lips, and, of course, I can’t do that whilst driving. His frustration: ‘MUMMY, listen to me!’ and my replying, once again, ‘Mummy’s ears are a bit broken, darling’. He gets cross and I wonder what it would be like if we could spend those precious 20 minutes actually engaging. This makes me sad.” Kate Halls
“I didn’t want to admit my hearing loss to family and friends – it had a huge impact on my confidence. I felt frustrated that I always had to ask people to repeat themselves.” Sylvia Robertson
“I lost my hearing in my right ear overnight, two months after a car accident. It totally devastated me. I would avoid going to social events because it was just too isolating.” Cathy Roach
Watch the video of Laura, Steve and Morgan to find out about the everyday effects of hearing loss here
Below are some recent insight from people who didn’t really have an awareness or understanding of hearing loss before engaging with Action on Hearing Loss and gaining an understanding of what its like.
“You just don’t think about how much it can affect your life. Like the traffic and everything”
“Both my mum and sister are deaf. They have never discussed the impact. I feel I have a good insight into what they feel.”
“Your information session (about hearing loss) speaks to people about all kinds of people in life (not just the stereotypical elderly person with grey hair).”
“It became much clearer from an emotional viewpoint how hearing loss really affects individuals.”